Tenant’s Rights
Helping you find your home.
SecondChanceApartments.com not only offers a free 2nd chance apartment locating service to individuals in the major metropolitan areas but also provides other resources including direct website links to the individual Attorney General offices in the areas we serve. We assist renters in the following metropolitan areas; Atlanta, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Houston, New York, Phoenix, Detroit, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Washington D. C. and Miami find the best matched 2nd chance apartment. For information for renters and landlords, the Attorney General websites are the most accurate and have the most helpful information. You can always trust and count the Attorney General websites to provide beneficial information
Why Choose us
SecondChanceApartments.com is regarded throughout
the nation as the primary resource for 2nd chance apartments and other resources for renters. Individuals who are interested in receiving assistance with finding a 2nd chance apartment that is affordable know they can count on us to help them. Regardless if you have good or bad credit, we can help you find a place to rent. We work with renters who have bad credit like a slow payment history, a foreclosure, an eviction, a broken lease, or a repossession. Just because you may have a history of bad credit doesn’t mean you can’t find a place to rent. We will easily find you a place to rent that will accept you even if you have bad credit.
Whether you had a prior issue with a former landlord like a broken lease or eviction or would like to be made aware of tenant/landlord laws and resources, the leading reliable resource for tenants is their individual state’s Attorney General website. The Attorney General’s website is a trusted place you can go online when you have a concern as a tenant. The website offers a lot of helpful information for those who are renting. Regardless, even if there aren’t any issues with your current landlord or apartment management company, it is still a good idea to beware of the laws and information pertaining to the rental industry. On top of that, if there is a concern while renting, there may be information about how you can handle a situation if you feel your rights are violated or may be violated.
Before signing a lease to rent an apartment, it is always advisable to thoroughly read through the entire lease before signing it. Of course, it is boring and time-consuming to read every part of it, but it is in your best interest to read, understand and ask questions. Most people just want to hurry through the lease signing because they want to hurry and move into their new place. Reading through the lease will give you the opportunity to express any concerns in case a lease addendum needs to be added to the lease, if it is available.

Reading the entire lease is even more important for those who are in the military or work for an employer that may require a job transfer. These individuals may need to worry about the possibility of leaving their lease early, so finding out how they can get out of the lease without resulting in a broken lease. Individuals who are on a fixed income or who have medical issues may need to be concerned about if something were to change financially or medically and how that can affect they’re paying their rent.
While going through the Attorney General’s website, you will find all sorts of legal information and articles for renters. You will most likely find information about Landlord and Tenant Laws, Fair Housing Laws, discrimination, information about laws affecting renters, and much more information! If you have rented, currently renting, and plan on renting in the future, visit your local Attorney General’s website, today!
For the best resources when it comes to laws and information for renters, the Attorney General’s website is the best resource. On the Attorney General’s website, you will be able to read about your rights as a renter or landlord. Searching for topics is made simple. If you have a rental debt or broken lease, you can just type in the search box the issue along with the city you reside in or wish to reside in. If you had or are going through an eviction, you can type in your issue into the search bar along with the city you wish to live in. You will get several results and a lot of helpful information. The Attorney General’s website provides great information regarding broken leases, evictions, and lots of information about tenants’ rights.
At any time, if you feel something is not right with your landlord or if possibly your tenant rights have been violated, then you can easily file a complaint with your state’s Attorney General on the website. For accurate information about a tenant or landlord’s rights, visit the Attorney General’s website in your state by visiting one of these links
Arizona Attorney General: https://www.azag.gov/’
California Attorney General: https://oag.ca.gov/
Colorado Attorney General: https://coag.gov/
Florida Attorney General: https://www.myfloridalegal.com/
Georgia Attorney General: https://law.ga.gov/
Illinois Attorney General: https://illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/
Indiana Attorney General: https://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/
Kansas Attorney General: https://ag.ks.gov/
Kentucky Attorney General: https://www.ag.ky.gov/
Louisiana Attorney General: http://www.ag.state.la.us/
Maryland Attorney General: http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/
Massachusetts Attorney General: https://www.mass.gov/ago/
Michigan Attorney General: https://www.michigan.gov/ag/
Minnesota Attorney General: http://www.ag.state.mn.us/
Missouri Attorney General: https://ago.mo.gov/
Nevada Attorney General: http://ag.nv.gov/
New Mexico Attorney General: https://www.nmag.gov/
New York Attorney General: https://www.ag.ny.gov/
North Carolina Attorney General: https://ncdoj.gov/
Ohio Attorney General: https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/
Oregon Attorney General: https://www.doj.state.or.us/
Pennsylvania Attorney General: https://www.attorneygeneral.gov/
Tennessee Attorney General: https://www.tn.gov/attorneygeneral.html
Texas Attorney General: https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/
Washington D.C. Attorney General: https://oag.dc.gov/
Washington State Attorney General: http://www.ag.state.la.us/